A Worldbuiding & DIY-RPG Blog
image licensed via stock.adobe.com


Maintaining the technology that powers this site.

This blog meets two different needs for me. I wanted to have a place to discuss my favorite passtime, but I also really wanted to learn more about front end development. It has been many years since I last made a serious attempt to design a website—a lot has changed in that time—and I’m the sort of person who likes to have a little experience with everything. Using a blog service wasn’t the right call for me—not that there’s anything wrong with them—so I began using whatever free time I had to build this site. This specific page serves as an attribution depot, allowing me to thank the folks who make the wonderful toys I’ve used to build Mythic Domains, as well as a running list of things that I’m considering adding and a record of the changes I’ve made.


Powered by…

  • Disqus © Disqus. https://disqus.com
  • Font Awesome Free © Fonticons, Inc. License: CC-BY-4.0
  • Github © Github https://github.com
  • Gulp © GulpJS https://gulpjs.com
  • Netlify © Netlify https://www.netlify.com
  • Jekyll © Tom Preston-Werner and Jekyll contributors. License: MIT
  • jQuery © JS Foundation and other contributors. License: MIT
  • loadCSS © @scottjehl, 2016 Filament Group. License: MIT
  • loadJS © 2014 Filament Group. License: MIT
  • Pushy © Christopher Yee. License: MIT
  • Tailwind CSS © Adam Wathan and Jonathan Reinink. License: MIT

Additionally, I have collected bits of javascript, liquid templating, and other advice or guidance from various blogs and social media platforms. To all of those folks who make an effort to participate in the discussion and share your knowledge, I am eternally grateful for your generosity.

Licensed Assets

  • “Burning earth and curious child” © Kevin Carden - stock.adobe.com.
  • “fantasy scene showing the young boy running away from the fire dragon” © grandfailure - stock.adobe.com.
  • “night scenery of a man rowing a boat among many glowing moons floating on the sea” © grandfailure - stock.adobe.com.
  • “Radio telescopes searching for astronomical objects at night” © James Thew - stock.adobe.com.
  • “Vintage Pirate Collection” © Aris Suwanmalee - stock.adobe.com.


  • Consolidate the scroll to top functionality into the footer. It currently exists both in the footer and right side includes.
  • Implement email subscription option. Requires a physical mailing address due to CANSPAM. I’ll get a P.O. Box for this only if site traffic indicates it’s worth the expense.
  • Implement arrow-key navigation for projects via JavaScript.
  • Implement blocks of anchored links at the top of date and tag archives to make them easier to navigate. This is a low priority until there is enough content to warrant the feature.
  • Implement lazy-loading for images.
  • Evaluate the need for built in mermaid chart functionality.
  • Evaluate potential of an automated “related posts” feature.
  • Look into benefits of self-hosting webfonts.
  • Look into potential for automated analytics-linked “popular posts” feature, likely for the left side include.
  • Look into the difficulty of implementing responsive images for post-level images.


Here’s what’s happened so far…

  • Launch Day